On January 14, 2021, new health and safety guidance went into effect for all schools in California.
This site will soon be updated to reflect all new guidance. In the meantime, find a comprehensive overview of guidance updates by clicking below.
Watch the “Introduction to the Health & Safety Guidebook ” webinar to learn more about the guidebook and how it was developed to support LEAs in returning to in-person instruction safely.
The Guidebook
The Health & Safety Guidebook is designed for local educational agency (LEA) leadership teams planning a safe return to at school, in-person instruction in a way that maximizes future equity outcomes and addresses the diverse needs of California’s students while continuously adapting to the challenges posed by COVID-19.
Building on the COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Schools and School Based Program issued by the California Department of Public Health, these guidelines and considerations are based on the best available public health data at this time, international best practices currently employed, and the practical realities of managing school operations, as new data and practices emerge. All decisions about following this guidance should be made in collaboration with local health officials and other authorities. Implementation of this guidance should be tailored for each setting, including adequate consideration of instructional programs operating at each school site and the needs of students and families. School leaders should engage relevant stakeholders—including families, staff and labor partners in the school community— to formulate and implement comprehensive plans that address six key considerations: face coverings, physical distancing, handwashing, cleaning & sanitizing, testing & tracing, and cohorting.
The purpose of this guidebook is to support the safe reopening of schools by providing rationale, tools, and resources for LEAs to use or adapt to address action steps to support the community health context, facilities and school operations, safe school environments, and cohorts and schedules.
For more information about how this tool was created and answers to other questions, see the FAQ section.
When can students and staff return to campus?
Establish Key Liaisons
Criteria for Reopening
Elementary School Waiver
Early Return For Small Groups
Special Circumstances
Criteria for Considering Closure
Child Care on Campus
Site Specific Protection Plan
Transparent Communications
Facilities & School Operations
How do we prepare for the return to campus?
Use of Space
Nutrition / Meal Services
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Reporting an Outbreak
Procurement of Supplies
Technology Considerations
Safe School Environments
What happens when we are back on campus?
Protective Equipment
Enhanced Hygiene Practices
Preparing Staff
Entry & Exit From Schools
Daily Symptoms Screening
Testing for COVID-19 & Reporting
Non Allowable Activities
Considerations for Families
Cohorts For
Safe Learning
How can we structure student groups to maximize safety?
Cohort Mixing
Small Group Targeted Support
Picking a Scheduling Model